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How to Clean Hydra from Any Water Source

Hydra is freshwater animals that are related to jellyfish and sea anemones.

They are small, usually less than an inch long, and can be found in a variety of habitats including ponds, streams, and marshes.

To clean a hydra, you will need to first catch them using a net or other tool. Then, place them in a clean container with fresh water.

How to Clean Hydra from Any Water Source

Change the water in the container every day to keep them clean. It is also important to keep their tank or container clean, and to remove any debris or uneaten food.

It's important to note that handling of these animals should be minimized as they are delicate and can be easily killed by rough handling, says chaktty.


Problems in the aquarium

An extraordinarily large hydra can be quite dangerous for a young shrimp.

However, since hydra generally remain rather small in the aquarium, in principle only very small baby shrimps such as the Blue Bee or newly hatched young shrimp are at risk.

Freshwater polyps multiply rapidly, especially when they are fed copious amounts of fine powdered, frozen or live food and also when there are a large number of mussel crabs or hoppers - often the aquarist only then notices them.

A heavy hydra infestation can be extremely stressful for shrimp, according to formally.

If they can no longer sit down in the aquarium without getting nettled, something should be done.

A weak infestation with hydra is actually no reason to unpack the club.

On the contrary, many aquarists enjoy these fascinating coelenterates.

Hydra do not harm fish either. However, tiny fish larvae can be preyed on by large specimens.

Especially in rearing tanks, in which Artemia is fed, for example, and in which the baby fish "stand in the feed", hydra can multiply exceptionally strongly.

There may then be a need for action here.

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Remove Hydra in the following ways


If the infestation is low, the population of polyps can be controlled and suppressed via the amount of food.

However, starvation does not work with the green hydra, these animals live in symbiosis with chlorella algae, which can supply them with energy over a long period of time, so they do not depend on a regular supply of food.



Also some animals eat hydra like labyrinth fish or the pointed mud snail.

Here, however, the entire population is hardly eradicated, but the number of hydra can be controlled very well in this way.


Using salt

With a salt treatment, the entire pool can be freed from hydra, here a salt quantity of 3-5 g per liter is recommended by healthpally. After about 3-5 days, the hydra die off.



Alternatively, if the infestation is low, the saline solution can also be applied directly to the polyps with a syringe, which will die off within a short time.

 In addition to salt, other agents that have been found to kill Hydra when "fogged" directly include Easy Carbo , lemon juice, pomegranate juice, boiling water, and iodine.


Flubenol & Panacur

Also wormers (anthelmintics) such as Panacur and Flubenol are deadly for hydras.

It can be assumed that 0.25 mg fenbendazole (the active ingredient in Panacur) or 0.1 mg flubendazole (the active ingredient in Flubenol) per 1 liter of aquarium water is sufficient.

However, you should note that these drugs a) may only be prescribed by a veterinarian and b) are fatal to many or all snails in the aquarium.

They should therefore only be used in the case of a very severe infestation with hydra where all other control measures have failed.

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